You are invited to be a part of the work God is doing through Camp ALOMA!
Through the online giving portal at the button below, you can set up recurring gifts.
Or, give by sending a check to: (make checks out to just ALOMA not Camp ALOMA)
P.O. Box 3
Prescott, AZ 86302
Thank you to all who tirelessly serve and joyfully give!
Click the link below to set your tithing schedule!
Starting in January 2025, we are launching a tithing program for community members who are willing and able to support camp on a regular, monthly basis. Camp ALOMA is a ministry, much like the churches represented on the Camp ALOMA Board. Additionally, as a non-profit organization, Camp ALOMA is allowed to receive donations through tax write-offs.Tithing offers many significant benefits for Camp ALOMA as a funding source. If we had a regular and consistent donation flow we wouldn’t have to do emergency fundraisers to keep camp afloat. If just 50 people tithed $25 per month for the year 2025, we would be able to raise the same $15,000 we worked so hard to raise in November. Being stable will allow us to offer more camper ships and discounts and keep the fees low overall so we can focus on outreach to those who normally wouldn’t be able to afford camp. If we don’t have to worry about regular bills and expenses, we can expand our ministry and focus on raising funds for specific projects.
Here are a few examples of projects we could work on with regular camp expenses covered by tithes:
–Build new nurse’s station -New archery supplies
-New canoes, kayaks -Faith Lodge renovation
-Horseback riding program -Tree house village
-New marketing materials, increased social media presence
-Laser tag and/or paintball program
-Camp out wilderness cabins on hiking trails
A Program where you can buy a personalized brick that will go on our pathway from the Lodge to the Chapel. You can memorialize a person, event, or family and have the brick join the many others already on the pathway. We welcome you to designate your gift(s) in honor of a person or event in your life, or in memory of someone special. The person your gift memorializes will be remembered by an engraved brick on our “Walk to the Lord” brick sidewalk that leads from the Lodge to the Chapel. All gifts over $75 will have a brick made with the name of your choice. Here is a sample order form: Brick by Brick
For more information and a copy of the brochure, contact the Camp office by email at office@campaloma.com.
ALOMA maintains a Campership Fund to provide financial aid to some of the many campers who want to attend camp but can’t afford it. The actual costs of a week at camp is more then we can recover by fees. ALOMA depends on gifts and donations to keep costs low. Still, there are those who need to come to camp the most and still can not afford it. We have a campership application process where each request for financial help is determined. Contact the Camp Office if you would like to make a donation.
List of projects coming soon.
If you are a member of Thrivent Financial, then you have the opportunity to help ALOMA by directing your “CHOICE DOLLARS” to go help the ministry point to Christ. If you copy this link you will find how to direct funds. https://www.thrivent.com/making-a-difference/living-generously/thrivent-choice/
You and your friends can get together and sign up to get $250 to fund a project to help ALOMA. You can do a project that helps bring kids to camp or raise money for a project to improve camp. Go to this link to get more information and sign up. https://www.thrivent.com/making-a-difference/living-generously/thrivent-action-teams/.